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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

Recognised and supported by the Department for Education (DfE) under the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015)

LPCF is specifically tasked with working alongside the Local Authority and Health to help ensure that the services they plan, commission, deliver and monitor meet the needs of children with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs.

More About LPCF

The Charity

The Charity is an independent members organisation overseen by a members elected group of Trustees who are mostly parents and carers of children with disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs.

The Volunteer Trustees and Volunteers are responsible for communicating and supporting parent carers and professionals, to participate with strategic decision makers and represent the views of the large membership of parents and carers.


The membership consists of Trustees, Volunteers and Members and also a professional contact list of individuals and organisations.

We continue to enjoy a membership of 4000+ parent carers and additionally have a contact list for 900+ professionals and 700+ education settings / organisations, all of whom we try to keep fully informed of our work and opportunities.

Who LPCF work with?

Our main remit is to collect, collate and represent the views of parent carers from a variety of sources.
The information is used as evidence to feedback to service providers with a view to improve the quality, range and accessibility of services.
 Graphical representation of where LPCF sit between parents and service

Working with parents

LPCF provide an experienced, supportive ear for parents, to promote their skills, knowledge and resilience.

Free LPCF membership gives parents access to:

Working with professionals

What LPCF do not do

When we meet a challenging issue, we will work cooperatively together with planners, commissioners and providers of services to imagine, design and deliver better services.


Aside from the voluntary work of the above Trustees, the Charity has an excellent team of several Volunteers who have a wide range of skills and who have worked tirelessly to support the Charity to achieve its goals and aims of serving parent carers on our membership.

Each year the volunteer Trustees and other Volunteers freely give almost 4000 hours of their time including attending 300+ meetings (800+ hours) for the benefit of our members.

Latest News Banner

See more detail in our Events Page


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Supporting Learning in the home

Date - 24-02-2025 (19:00-20:00)
Venue - Virtual meeting


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Pins “SENCo’s/Leadership Team” Virtual Drop ins

Date - 26-02-2025 (15:30-16:30)
Venue - Virtual meeting


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Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

Date - 26-02-2025 (19:30-21:00)
Venue - Virtual meeting


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Juggling the Joys of Parenting -Understanding Strategies

Date - 06-03-2025 (11:00-12:30)
Venue - Virtual meeting


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Pins “SENCo’s/Leadership Team” Virtual Drop ins

Date - 11-03-2025 (15:30-16:30)
Venue - Virtual meeting


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Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

Date - 19-03-2025 (19:30-21:00)
Venue - Virtual meeting

Signage LPCF Events

LPCF - State of SEND in Lincolnshire Survey

for Parent Carers and SENCos

A chance to give LPCF your views and experiences around services for families of children with SEND.

Help LPCF to measure and evidence the State of SEND in Lincolnshire with your views and experiences of services so that we can help improve things.

Only takes between 8-10 minutes.
Full details here Link Icon

Closes 4th April 2025

LPCF Forthcoming Events

The full details are available on the events page of our website.
Link Icon

What LPCF offer

Photo InsertedTo find out more about how to get the best out of LPCF and what they offer Link Icon

Your Say

Talking to us can make a BIG difference

Photo Inserted Got something to say ?
GOOD BAD or interesting
Use our "Your Say" page to get your views known and to the service providers like Lincolnshire County Council and the National Health Service.

All views are collated and published in our members library. Link Icon

Max Cards

What are they ?

Would you like one???

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Interested in a FREE Max Card?
(discount card for activities etc for families with children with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities) Link Icon

Membership update

Photo InsertedIf you have not updated your registration details.
Link Link Icon


Registered members benefit from support, regular news information, access to our parents only Facebook page, workshops, Signposting events etc.

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Excellence Awards

Made a Nomination NOW !

Do you know a person, school, organisation that has gone that extra mile for your child and family. Link Icon
Make a nomination and get them recognised!

A little praise is always welcome.