LPCF - State of SEND in Lincolnshire Survey
for Parent Carers and SENCos
A chance to give LPCF your views and experiences around services for families of children with SEND.
Help LPCF to measure and evidence the State of SEND in Lincolnshire with your views and experiences of services so that we can help improve things.
Only takes between 8-10 minutes.
Full details here
Closes 4th April 2025
LPCF Forthcoming Events
The full details are available on the events page of our website.

What LPCF offer

To find out more about how to get the best out of LPCF and what they offer

Your Say
Talking to us can make a BIG difference

Got something to say ?
GOOD BAD or interesting
Use our "Your Say" page to get your views known and to the service providers like Lincolnshire County Council and the National Health Service.
All views are collated and published in our members library.
Max Cards
What are they ?
Would you like one???
Interested in a FREE Max Card?
(discount card for activities etc for families with children with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities)

Membership update

If you have not updated your registration details.
Registered members benefit from support, regular news information, access to our parents only Facebook page, workshops, Signposting events etc.
Excellence Awards
Made a Nomination NOW !
Do you know a person, school, organisation that has gone that extra mile for your child and family.

Make a nomination and get them recognised!
A little praise is always welcome.