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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum
admin@lincspcf.org.uk LPCF, PO Box 1183, Spalding, PE11 9EE
Registered Charity No. 1141060 * ICO Registration Z1810966
  Latest Events Other Events (Not LPCF)
Workshop Event Image


Workshop Event Image

Supporting Learning in the home

Date 24-02-2025 Time 19:00 - 20:00
Venue Virtual meeting

Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

Supporting Learning in the home.
The Specialist Teaching Team have been invited to present a free, online workshop,sharing strategies to support learning.
Open to all parents and carers who would like ideas on supporting their child(ren) with reading, spelling, maths,memory and organisation.

The workshop is aimed at supporting children from Reception to Key Stage 3 who have cognition and learning difficulties, although parents/carers of older children may wish to attend.

Open to LPCF members only.
Sign up to LPCF on the sign up page of the website.

Please book your place above by 20th February.


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Workshop Event Image

Pins “SENCo’s/Leadership Team” Virtual Drop ins

Date 26-02-2025 Time 15:30 - 16:30
Venue Virtual meeting

Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

Join LPCF for a quick chat about the "Pins project", how you are experiencing it and to find out more about how LPCF can support you to support the parents you work with.
These drop ins are specifically for SENCo's/the SEND Leadership team of the schools taking part in the Pins project only.

Join our volunteers to find out more about LPCF and what we can do for you and your parents.

Please sign up to LPCF free on the sign up page of the website (professional sign up page) and book your place above.


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Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

Date 26-02-2025 Time 19:30 - 21:00
Venue Virtual meeting

Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

Topic -Time to recharge
Join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve your mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be giving us proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.

Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.

Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).


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Workshop Event Image

Juggling the Joys of Parenting -Understanding Strategies

Date 06-03-2025 Time 11:00 - 12:30
Venue Virtual meeting

Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

Understanding Strategies
Are you a parent/grandparent/carer,of a child/adult with special needs or a disability? Yes?
...then these workshops are a must for you!

Caring for someone can be difficult at times. Do you wonder if things could be better? Here is a series of stand alone workshops which can make a difference to our daily lives and to our families.
These workshops are a chance for parent carers to meet other parent carers and learn new strategies in a friendly easy to use style.
Our experienced presenter Hil Gibb has worked with children and young people, parents, teachers, and headteachers for over 30 years. Hil is great at helping groups of people to find the best way forward.

The ‘Understanding Strategies’workshop is designed to enable you to:-

  • feel more confident when supporting your loved one
  • explore the power of strategies over our behaviours
  • reflect on your strategies and those of your loved one
  • generate an ‘action plan’ for more positive outcomes
  • reduce stress and drains on time and energy.

    Our host Hil Gibb & LPCF will be running monthly virtual sessions - so why not join us. Places are FREE to parents on the LPCF membership. See flyer for more details. Book your place above.

    Click on the blue link for more details about the workshop and trainer
    Please book your place above by 1st March.


  • Workshop Event Image


    Workshop Event Image

    Pins “SENCo’s/Leadership Team” Virtual Drop ins

    Date 11-03-2025 Time 15:30 - 16:30
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Join LPCF for a quick chat about the "Pins project", how you are experiencing it and to find out more about how LPCF can support you to support the parents you work with.
    These drop ins are specifically for SENCo's/the SEND Leadership team of the schools taking part in the Pins project only.

    Join our volunteers to find out more about LPCF and what we can do for you and your parents.

    Please sign up to LPCF free on the sign up page of the website (professional sign up page) and book your place above.


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    Workshop Event Image

    Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

    Date 19-03-2025 Time 19:30 - 21:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Topic -How to manage your own and others expectations
    Join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve your mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be giving us proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.

    Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.

    Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).


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    Promoting Positive Behaviour - Follow up workshop

    Date 24-03-2025 Time 19:00 - 21:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Promoting Positive Behaviour
    Follow up workshop on Zoom with Chris , a behavioural specialist
    from Aspens.

  • Have you attended an LPCF “promoting positive behaviour” workshop in October 24, November 24 or January 25?
  • Have you put an action plan in place and explored the strategies Chris suggested?
  • Have you evidenced the strategies tried and kept a copy of the plan and outcomes?
  • Would you like to feedback to LPCF and Chris who will explore your experiences further including expanding ideas etc.
  • Would you benefit from sharing your experiences and listening to further
    suggestions?  (What has worked and what has not worked).

    If the answer is yes to ALL questions then you are eligible to book in for a further, one off, FREE workshop with Chris

  • Evidence of your plan and strategies tried will be required for the workshop
    and should be emailed to: admin@lincspcf.org.uk before 10th March 2024 for Chris to review before the workshop.
    If we do not receive your strategies evidence / recordings by this date your place will be cancelled.
    Please book your place above.


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    Juggling the Joys of Parenting -What makes us tick?

    Date 03-04-2025 Time 11:00 - 12:30
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    What Makes us tick?
    Are you a parent/grandparent/carer,of a child/adult with special needs or a disability? Yes?
    ...then these workshops are a must for you!

    Caring for someone can be difficult at times. Do you wonder if things could be better? Here is a series of stand alone workshops which can make a difference to our daily lives and to our families.
    These workshops are a chance for parent carers to meet other parent carers and learn new strategies in a friendly easy to use style.
    Our experienced presenter Hil Gibb has worked with children and young people, parents, teachers, and headteachers for over 30 years. Hil is great at helping groups of people to find the best way forward.

    The ‘What makes us tick'workshop is designed to enable you to:-

  • look more closely at how our beliefs affect the decisions we make.
  • explore where our boundaries lie.
  • give us tips and strategies to help reinforce them.

    Our host Hil Gibb & LPCF will be running monthly virtual sessions - so why not join us. Places are FREE to parents on the LPCF membership. See flyer for more details. Book your place above.

    <Click on the blue link for more details about the workshop and trainer
    Please book your place above by 29th March.


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    Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing - Now on a Thursday!

    Date 03-04-2025 Time 19:30 - 21:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Topic - Your stress bucket
    Join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve your mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be giving us proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.

    Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.

    Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).


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    Toilet skills (Continence Issues)

    Date 23-04-2025 Time 11:30 - 13:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Toilet Skills (Continence Issues)
    LPCF are pleased to offer the workshop delivered by the LCC Specialist Children's Continence Nurse.
    The workshop will cover :-

    Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND or a professional who works with them you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).

    Please book your place above by 18th April.


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    Juggling the Joys of Parenting -Resilience

    Date 01-05-2025 Time 11:00 - 12:30
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Are you a parent/grandparent/carer,of a child/adult with special needs or a disability? Yes?
    ...then these workshops are a must for you!

    Caring for someone can be difficult at times. Do you wonder if things could be better? Here is a series of stand alone workshops which can make a difference to our daily lives and to our families.
    These workshops are a chance for parent carers to meet other parent carers and learn new strategies in a friendly easy to use style.
    Our experienced presenter Hil Gibb has worked with children and young people, parents, teachers, and headteachers for over 30 years. Hil is great at helping groups of people to find the best way forward.

    The ‘Resilience'workshop is designed to enable you to:-

  • explore what is really meant by resilience
  • increase our self-awareness around how we respond to those unexpected, challenging moments
  • explore traits and strategies for high resilience understand how a permanent state of resilience isn’t necessarily good for us
  • look at the human response to change
  • consider how we grow resilience in our children

    Our host Hil Gibb & LPCF will be running monthly virtual sessions - so why not join us. Places are FREE to parents on the LPCF membership. See flyer for more details. Book your place above.

    Click on the blue link for more details about the workshop and trainer
    Please book your place above by 25th April.


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    Workshop Event Image

    Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

    Date 08-05-2025 Time 19:30 - 21:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Topic - Daily positivity
    Join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve your mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be giving us proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.

    Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.

    Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).


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    Workshop Event Image

    Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

    Date 22-05-2025 Time 19:30 - 21:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Topic - Boundaries and how to maintain them
    Join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve your mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be giving us proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.

    Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.

    Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).


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    Juggling the Joys of Parenting -Action Plan for your future

    Date 05-06-2025 Time 11:00 - 12:30
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Action Plan for your future
    Are you a parent/grandparent/carer,of a child/adult with special needs or a disability? Yes?
    ...then these workshops are a must for you!

    Caring for someone can be difficult at times. Do you wonder if things could be better? Here is a series of stand alone workshops which can make a difference to our daily lives and to our families.
    These workshops are a chance for parent carers to meet other parent carers and learn new strategies in a friendly easy to use style.
    Our experienced presenter Hil Gibb has worked with children and young people, parents, teachers, and headteachers for over 30 years. Hil is great at helping groups of people to find the best way forward.

    The ‘Action Plan for your future'workshop is designed to enable you to:-

  • think about what you have learnt
  • feedback what you found helpful
  • evelop an action plan with goals for the future.

    Our host Hil Gibb & LPCF will be running monthly virtual sessions - so why not join us. Places are FREE to parents on the LPCF membership. See flyer for more details. Book your place above.

    Click on the blue link for more details about the workshop and trainer
    Please book your place above by 1st June.


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    Workshop Event Image

    Hypnotherapy - Wellbeing

    Date 05-06-2025 Time 19:30 - 21:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    Topic -Relaxation and rest
    Join LPCF for a free 90-minute Zoom session to help improve your mental health & wellbeing. Nicole from Hummingbird Hypnotherapy will be giving us proven techniques to help us make positive changes to our lives.

    Relax with like-minded people in a positive atmosphere.

    Free sessions for LPCF members only (if you are a parent of a child with SEND you can join our membership via the sign up page of the website).


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    Workshop Event Image


    Date 09-06-2025 Time 19:00 - 20:00
    Venue Virtual meeting

    Registered members ONLY - E-Booking Required, please click link

    Please familiarise yourself with our REVISED FEB 24 Zoom guidelines before joining sessions

    The Specialist Teaching Team have been invited to present a free, online workshop for parents and carers of children transferring from Primary to Secondary School.
    They will be sharing ideas and strategies to support your child, to make their transition as smooth and happy as possible.

    Open to LPCF members only
    Sign up to LPCF on the sign up page of the website.

    Please book your place above by 1st June.